Workouts created with science in mind. Transform your mind and body with functional and fun workouts to help you feel strong and empowered.

An evidence based exercise approach, designed by a Doctor of Physical Therapy to have you working out smarter not harder. Our program is all about quality over quantity and enhancing your mind to body connection to get the most out of your workout while having fun!

Weekly Schedule

Nothing beats the energy of a live Zoom class!

LEARN MOREGirl in wide squat and hands at heart center.
Livestream Classes

On your own time. Your schedule, your workout.

BOOK NOWGirl performing glute bridge with left leg and right leg extended straight to ceiling.
On Demand

On your own time. Your schedule, your workout.

WATCH NOWGirl performing shoulder press with dumbbells.

Class Offerings

30 to 60 minute circuit style, strength training designed to effectively stimulate muscle growth and educate you along the way.

20 to 60 minute pilates inspired routines that are all about the trunk! These classes will be emphasizing form and foundational control to create segmental stability and strength.

20 to 60 minute pilates inspired routines focusing on balance, and building up the endurance of your muscles. You will be feeling the burn after this one!

15 to 20 minute HIIT routines designed to get your heart rate up and you sweating! Most classes are apartment friendly and will have high and low impact options.



Hi, I'm Amy! As a Physical Therapist, I truly believe that movement is medicine and the right program can change one’s quality of life for the better.

I have spent over 7 years studying human anatomy, biomechanics, and exercise physiology to advance my understanding and application of this important information. As a Doctor of Physical Therapy, I am dedicated to a lifetime of learning, growth, and evolution.

Over the years, I have dramatically changed how I move my body and have finally created a sustainable routine that blends strength training, cardio, and pilates inspired moves to step into my best self.

Join me as I lead you through satisfying, effective, and even educational routines in the comfort of your own home.

B.S in Kinesiology
Doctor of Physical Therapy

Girl standing in active wear smiling.

From the community

“Leah’s Community Class was amazing! I’m very high strung and I left feeling light and refreshed." - Carmen


Leah’s Community Class was amazing! I’m very high strung and I left feeling light and refreshed


Leah, your meditation that you sent to me led me into a good night’s rest. Thank you!


This is placeholder text for another testimonial.


This is placeholder text for another testimonial.

Girl sitting in active wear smiling.
Girl performing bicycle exercise with hands behind her head.
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Girl lifting 5 pound dumbbell.